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Why LPG?

With exploitations comes its consequences. Every time we extract energy, build electrical generating plants, grow food, distribute water, and utilize other resources we affect the landscape. We leave imprints behind. Every time we cook, drive, or switch on the TV, we exercise this power.

We all are a part of this co-dependent ecosystem. To further complicate matters; extracting and employing earth’s resources has direct implications for our personal health and safety. SARGAS is focused on one aspect of our energy use–cooking and clean power generation.

For several millennia homemakers made use of wood fuel and wood charcoal. Kerosene for a century. These products emit substances that are the world’s largest environmental risk factor for preventable disease and the preeminent contributor of global environmental issues.

Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) are caused by the combustion of fuels (customarily wood and coal).

Pollutants include fine particulates, nitrogen oxides, Sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and dioxins. Prolonged exposure and inhalation of these pollutants (HAPs) is known to cause respiratory, lung, and other Cardiovascular diseases(CVD)such as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), Acutelowerrespiratory infection(ALRI), myocardial infarction, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias and lung cancers

To solve the pollutant problem required innovation.

With the tool of Science and Technology, we furthered our knowledge, advanced our current systems, and made new discoveries.


We have several renewables and clean-burning nonrenewable.

Guess what, one type is perfect for cooking!

It is called Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

LPG is typically referred to by its acronym–LPG. LPG is a mixture of carbon and hydrogen atoms. These hydrocarbon gases include propane, butane, isobutene, and mixtures of the three LPG gases. LPG is commonly used for home heating gases, cooking, and as a fuel for cars and vehicles.

It has a high heating value which means that as an energy resource, LPG provides a high level of heating short lifetime.

Whilst liquid under pressure, it becomes gaseous when released from pressure at ambient temperature.

These gases are stored and transported in LPG cylinders as a liquid under moderate pressure. Currently, 800 million to two billion people are switching from woodfuel and wood charcoal to LPG!

So why LPG? What makes it better than presently used fuel sources?

Across the globe air pollution is responsible for the largest number of deaths and the reported cases of respiratory disease over 4.3 million deaths each year!

On the continent, Nigeria does not farewell, sadly she has the highest rate of fatalities from air pollution and the 4th highest globally with 150 deaths per 100,000 people attributable to pollution.

Globally an estimated 7.8 million people die prematurely as a result of diseases caused either directly or indirectly by air pollution linked to cooking.

This is terrifying giving as cooking is the primary activity Nigerian homes utilize fuel for. Nigerian women take the most risk as they are the primary homemakers and are real so primarily responsible for cooking. In entrepreneurial endeavors too women are also the main victims due to inhalation of noxious emissions.

Inhalation is the primary means of engagement with pollutants. Particulate matter inhaled from household air pollution alone is responsible for 50% of pneumonia deaths among children under five.

Globally the overwhelming majority of these pollution-causing deaths occur in low and lower-middle income countries in the developing world. We need to change


LPG in its versatility serves as an effective solution to the problems caused by our current fuels. Having almost none of the disadvantageous features-from its combustion, to its transportation. Its advantages stretches beyond individual uses to larger societal economical and commercial advantages

  • LPG is a non-poisonous gas
  • Safe for indoor use
  • It’s virtually no black carbon (BC)s soot, choking smoke, or smell during combustion. Instead-its exhaust is problem-free for your kitchen. Essentially leaving it clean.
  • LPG has high quality in its burn consistency-food cooks faster
  • LPG is far more energy concentrated. LPG transfers 50% of its energy content to the pot. Better than other fuels
  • LPG is easy to control and regulate
  • LPG flame can be easily turned higher or lower
  • Safe for high flames