In a previous article, the importance of incorporating the major food groups into your child’s diet was explained. In this article, we will be looking at creative ways to incorporate these meals into your child’s diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner to ensure that he/she gets a balanced diet necessary for healthy living.
Below are the major nutrients and food groups that should be included in your child’s daily diet
Protein: babies get most of their protein from breast milk with baby formula being the only other alternative for children under 6 months. From 6 months, children can transition into eating foods from four groups to make up a balanced diet. However, it is not recommended to give cow milk to children under 12 months old. Protein is essential for growth, brain development, and formation of strong bones. It can be found in foods such as eggs, chicken, yogurt, legumes, soya, etc
Carbohydrates: Children under 13 months might have a problem with digesting the grain varieties of carbohydrates but can eat foods like bread, pasta, rice, etc from 13 months and older.
Fruits and vegetables: hard fruits can be mashed for little children or squeezed to become fruit juices to be taken alongside their meals.
Fats and oils: at the mention of the word “fat” people have the notion that it spells calories. However, eating the right kind of fat in small quantity will help add to the enjoyment of the meal.
To ensure that your child gets these meal combinations creating a perfect balanced diet for him/her, ensure you use the safest, fastest and most reliable means of cooking.